Tambaram now receives a new paradigm of luxury living, Urbanrise Opus 96, a prestigious residential Township spanning 96 acres with over 900 residential plots and 3200 luxury apartments. These premium villa plots in Tambaram range from 600 to 2400 sq. ft., and are designed exclusively with commitment to sustainability, luxury, and comfort. The plethora of modern facilities include 4 beautifully landscaped parks, 2 state-of-the-art clubhouses, and over 125 amenities, created to offer residents unparalleled luxury and fine living. The sprawling 96-acre residential community offers luxury 2 BHK flats featuring in the 12 magnificent towers with stunning views and access to rooftop amenities, beautifully landscaped parks, and an exclusive clubhouse for leisure and social gatherings. The township of trendy apartments in Tambaram also features a CBSE school within the campus, ensuring educational convenience for families. Strategically located in the happening Tambaram, Urbanrise Opus 96 provides excellent connectivity to key areas in Chennai, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a harmonious blend of luxury and convenience in their living environment. Visit for more - https://urbanriseopus96.com/ New Projects - https://www.urbanrise.in/city/chennai/ Our Corporate Website - https://www.urbanrise.in/
Price: 3,000,000 INR
Category: Real Estate - Land
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