QC SUPERVISOR jobs 5 yrs exp best salary

QC SUPERVISOR jobs 5 yrs exp best salaryJob description DEAR CANDIDATESWE ARE HIRINGPOSITION - QC SUPERVISORLOCATION - chennai SALARY - NEGOTIABLENote ALL CANDIDATES SHOULD HAVE MIN 8 YEARS EXPERIENCE ARAMCO APPROVED WITH CBT OR WITHOUT CBT DDRIVING LICENSE REQUIRED OR MUST KNOW DRIVING PASSPORT VALIDITY MINIMUM 6 MONTH BALANCE DEGREE DIPLOMA IN MECHANICAL CSWIP 3.1 3.2 AWS ISO CERTIFICATE 2 YEARS CONTRACT 8 HRS DUTY FREE ACOMODATION AND TRANSPORTATIONJob Description Read and evaluate comments from the quality manager before passing them on to other supervisors Examine the detailed quality plans and make any necessary modifications Supervise work of other supervisors and keep them up-to-date with their work with the aim that it is completed as per plan Participate in brainstorming to improve business operations or processes with other managers and employees Assist managers or teams who have a need for help or advice in answering questions about operational aspects of their businesses Listen to concerns from employees and managers with the aim of improving business operations or processes Assist managers and employees regarding compliance with company policies and procedures as well as regulatory requirements Encourage workers to suggest ways to make improvements in office operations Respond to issues brought up by workers and managers Assist with the hiring process such as interviewing prospective workers checking references performing background checks etc. Complete reports regarding projects or processes that were completed by other employees or teams Assist managers and employees with any issues they are having with their job duties such as answering questions giving advice etc. Keep track of training records for new or current workers and make sure that they are up-to-date in terms of compliance with company policies and proceduresRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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