Join Us as a Senior SQL Developer Experience Required

Join Us as a Senior SQL Developer Experience RequiredJob DescriptionResponsibilities Comprehensive understanding of MS SQL Server and associated technologies and tools including SSIS SSRS and SSAS Knowledge of data modelling and proficiency in creating intricate queries and processes Control and keep an eye on the database s capacity security and performance. Constantly enhance database performance by streamlining jobs processes and queries in collaboration with the database administrator. Skills Strong understanding of MS SQL Server and related toolsProficiency in SQL and database designKnowledge of database performance tuning and optimization techniquesAnalytical and problem-solving skillsAbility to work independently and as part of a team Experience 3 to 5 yrsQualification Any Degree related to ITSalary From 35K per month (Negotiable)Location ChennaiWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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