China Pressure Seal Globe Valve: Cast Steel WCB, LCB, LCC, body material, BS 1873, ASME B16.34 standard, rising stem, flange end connection. Detail Information Specifications Design and manufacture standards: BS 1873, ASME B16.34 Face to face standards: ASME B16.10, DIN 3202 Test standards: API 598, BS 6755, ISO 5208 Flanges end: ASME B16.5 Butt-welding end: ASME B16.25 Features Size: NPS 2 -24 Rating: Class150-2500 Material: WCB, LCB, LCC, WC6, WC9, CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, 4A, 5A Body pattern: Straight, Y type, Angle type Bolted bonnet (B. B) Disc type: Plug, Flat, Needle, Regulating Rising stem Operation: Handwheel, Gear, Electrical actuator, Pneumatic actuator
Price: 200 USD
Category: Business & Industrial
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China API 598 Cast Steel Y-strainer: Y Pattern Strainers in WCB, WCC, LCB, LCC, WC6,...
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