Enrich your career in the hotel industry and secure a degree from the most renowned hospitality management college in Contai, CCLMS (Contai College of Learning and Management Science). Our Institution provides a 3 tier undergraduate program, B.Sc (Hospitality and Hotel Administration, along with Industrial – Experienced faculties • several programs like personality development classes, Spoken English classes • Modernised labs for better practical industrial skills, • Huge networking opportunities
Category: Training & Education Services
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Are you passionate about starting a career in the IT industry and looking for BCA...
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Unlock new opportunities in your career with our advanced Digital Marketing Course In Patna. This...
Bcit World
Develop your tech skills with QuickLearn. Get 90% Practical Training, live 1-1 Online Courses including...
Vedant Car Driving School offers an unrivaled driving learning experience in South Delhi, boasting a...
Vedant Car Driving School
Refinement Software Solutions is the best IT & software course training academy, providing frontend, backend...
Gobi V
To choose the best interior design course for you, consider factors such as accreditation, curriculum,...
7 Star Academy
Are you a working person, and looking to pursue an MBA degree online? Those who...
We are providing Java Classes in Navi Mumbai. Industrial training for who has gap around...
Cnc Webworld