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ZKTeco f18 is an innovative biometric fingerprint reader for access control applications. With high-performance firmware...
Model Whatsminer M50S from MicroBT mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hash rate of 126Th/s...
Whatsminer M50S
Selling Barely used like new if not excellent condition Beats by Dr. Dre studio headphones...
Can only be printed out in black and white and not a sticker printer. Cyeelves...
After successful journey with Tugboat Evo and Tugboat xxl the Tugboat brand bringing a lots...
ISGO Disposable 6000 puffs Dubai boasts an impressive 6000 puffs per device, making it one...
In the world of audiophiles and music lovers, the search for the ideal audio speaker...
Dien May 769 Audio
Electronic Express offers great selection and prices on electronics, TVs, computers, appliances, and mattresses from...
About this item
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Efficient Intel Celeron N4020 Processor (4M Cache, up to 2.8 GHz)
11.6? HD...
The Mitsubishi PLC CPU (FX1S-20MR-ES/UL) is a programmable Logic Controller that is manufactured by Mitsubishi...
Md Rakib Ahmed