Hiring on Mechanical Freshers Jobs Available Responsibilities Good knowledge of Mechanical drawings GD& T. Good knowledge of Plastics materials (Engineering Plastics) Good knowledge of production quality maintenance And Knowledge of communication skills must have an in depth knowledge of process and manufacturing operations. recommending modifications following prototype test results using research analytical conceptual and planning skills particularly mathematical modelling and computer- aided design QUALIFICATION BE BTECH ANY BASIC GRADUATION Location Chennai Salary based on exp its negotiable Exp 1-2yrs With regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819
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DescriptionHiring for Freshers purchase Engineering Jobs Provide expertise in a variety of areas including as...
Openings on Design Engineering Field Mechanical engineering bachelor s degree or a similar degree 2...
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Procurement Engineer jobs at chennai 2 to 5 yr exp Job Description Experience of 2...
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