DescriptionHiring for Freshers purchase Engineering Jobs Provide expertise in a variety of areas including as design prototyping Create a purchasing plan for all consumables and bargain for prompt delivery of high-quality products at reasonable prices. Oversee a strategic partner with a long-term dedication. Plan coordinate oversee manage and assess the Purchasing Division s operations create operational plans and projects to fulfill departmental goals and objectives for maximum efficacy and efficiency. Be in charge of all purchases in accordance with the engineering specifications and operational needs. Plan and assess the performance of assigned personnel set performance metrics and goals for personal growth track performance and offer coaching to employees for growth and progress. Coordination of qualification plans with engineering teams to approve new suppliers and parts as well as alternative sources for supplies. QUALIFICATION BE BTECH ANY BASIC GRADUATION Location Chennai Salary based on exp its negotiable Exp 1-2yrs With regards Infohrmadhu23(at) HR-MADHU 9500574819
Category: Employment & Jobs
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