Hiring on software Design engineer

Hiring on Designing software Engineer Design software solutions suiting business needs with appropriate technology. Design develop and maintain both new and existing code ranging from client-side development using JavaScript HTML and CSS to server-side code using C and ASP.NET MVC Web API Windows services and ADO.NET. Write readable extensible testable code. Create maintain and run unit tests for both new and existing code with a goal of delivering defect-free and well-tested code to QA. Write and maintain documentation for new and existing features. Analyse written specifications and user needs to determine technical implementation. Conduct design and code reviews and collaborate to ensure the code passes review. Expertise in Migrating window-based application to web-based application. Lead the development of specific tools applications. Search and implementation of the latest technologies that can be used by Hitachi Energy. Location Chennai QUALIFICATION BE BTECH ANY BASIC GRADUATION Salary based on exp its negotiable Exp 1-2yrs With regards Infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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