CNC and Sliding Head Lathes 20 to 24 batch

CNC and Sliding Head Lathes 20 to 24 batchJob description Setting and Operating CNC and Sliding Head Lathes. Minimum 5 years experience in CNC field must. Working to tight tolerances Producing high precision work components. Setting and operating using Fanuc Controls Producing parts from various general engineering and exotic materials. (SS INCONEL TITANIUM) Monitor CNC & SH machines during operation to identify and rectify issues.Skills Required Setting and Operating CNC Fixed or Sliding Head Lathes experience. (The ability to program in CNC & Sliding head) Previous experience working within a high precision manufacturingenvironment. The ability to read and Interpret engineering drawings Must be Self-motivated dedicated and able to work under own initiative. Basic knowledge in GD& T. Basic knowledge in tools selection.Job Types Full-time Permanent Contractual TemporaryPay 19k - 27k per monthBenefits Provident FundSchedule Day shift Rotational shiftSupplemental Pay Overtime pay Yearly bonusExperience total work 1 year (Preferred)Regards Nedhra -HR 89251and 14937



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