CNC Operator jobs at chennai 20 to 24 batch

CNC Operator jobs at chennai 20 to 24 batchJD Plans machining by studying work orders blueprints engineering plans materials and orthographic drawings.Takes inventory by checking stock to determine the amount available anticipated stock and placing orders.Programs mills and lathes by entering instructions including zero and reference points.Sets-up mills and lathes by installing and adjusting three- and four-jaw chucks tools and attachments.Loads feed mechanism by lifting stock into position.Verifies settings by measuring positions first-run part and sample workpieces.Maintains specifications by observing drilling grooving and cutting including turning facing knurling and thread chasing operations.Maintains safe operations by adhering to safety procedures and regulations.Maintains equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements.Maintains continuity among work shifts by documenting and communicating actions.Documents actions by completing production and quality logs.Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities.All operating ability Willingness to work flexible hours including overtime if needed. Ability to lift and move heavy objects. Commitment to continuous learning and improvement.Job Types Full-time PermanentPay 15k to 30k per monthBenefits Health insurance Provident FundSchedule Day shift Morning shift Night shift Rotational shiftSupplemental Pay Performance bonusEducation Diploma (Preferred)Experience CNC Programming 1 year (Required) total work 1 year (Preferred)Shift availability Day Shift (Preferred) Night Shift (Preferred) Overnight Shift (Preferred)Regards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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