HR recruiter jobs at chennai 20 to 24 batch

HR recruiter jobs at chennai 20 to 24 batchHR recruiter with the ability to develop recruitment strategies to meet the objectives of the organization. He she is responsible for designing and implementing recruitment plans for the organization. They should confer with management to assess and identify staffing needs. The HR recruiter will execute recruitment plans and source the most suitable candidates to fill positions.HR Recruiter Responsibilities Filling positions within an organization. Designing and implementing recruiting systems for the organization. Developing own network of suitable candidates. Handling of administration and record-keeping. Working with organizations to develop a recruitment plan. Executing recruitment plans efficiently. Drafting and posting job descriptions. Interviewing candidates. Preparing job offers. Networking with various institutions and social media. HR Duties and ResponsibilitiesSkills Excellent communication skills Proficient in Word (Excel MS Word) Excellent record keeping Adept in Organization skills Role HR Generalist Industry Type Education Training Department Human Resources Employment Type Full Time Permanent Role Category HR OperationsEducation UG Any Graduate PG Any PostgraduateRegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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