Hiring on Quality control and procedural Testing Formulation Outlining test plans and procedures that take into account both functional and non-functional requirements for testing APIs. Develop and keep up-to-date comprehensive test cases to verify data integrity and API functIn charge of providing the best possible releases for micro-services and To ensure quality across all dependent teams coordinate with other dependent teams and dealing with errors. Work closely with development teams and cross-functional teams to make sure Exp 1-2 YRS Salary 35K Qualification DIPLOMA BE EEE Location chennai SHIFT GENERAL SHIFT With regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819
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Hiring on Electrical and Inspection To guarantee adherence to quality and safety standards thoroughly check...
EEE Engineering Instrumentation Back up Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering Instrumentation Engineering or a related...
EEE Engineering Instrumentation Hiring Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering Instrumentation Engineering or a related field...
Hiring on UTILITY MANAGER Planning and carrying out ship repair refit and conversion utility projects...
Hiring on Maintenance Engineering Jobs Maintenance experience capability & skil required in Should have working...
Hiring on Electrical Engineering Jobs Review technical specification to establish new designs or modifications. Develop...
Hiring on Maintenance Manager Jobs Develop and implement a preventative maintenance schedule for press brake...
Hiring on AUTOCAD DESIGNER JOBS Prepare high quality innovative and functional design Go on site...
Hiring on voice processing Key Responsibilities Engage with customers through outbound calls to promote products...
Vacancies Available for ITI Fitters in ChennaiJob DescriptionResponsibilities- Read and interpret technical documents and parameters...