Material Handler - 119229

Job Title Material HandlerPay 18 Hours 7 30am-4 30pm Monday-Friday Job Type Temp-Hire Location OKC Job Brief We are hiring a Material Handler in Oklahoma City (OKC) for a temp-to-hire position. This role offers 18 hour with a schedule of 7 30 AM 4 30 PM Monday-Friday. As a Material Handler you will play a key role in maintaining the smooth flow of materials and inventory in a fast-paced warehouse environment.Responsibilities Inventory Management Oversee the movement storage and tracking of products to ensure inventory accuracy. Materials Handling Manage the flow of goods into and out of the warehouse in a timely manner. Daily Operations Perform cleanup organization and housekeeping duties to maintain a safe and efficient workspace. Scanner Operation Use handheld scanners to track and manage inventory with precision. Lift Truck Operation Operate lift trucks to assist with product movement and storage (certification preferred but not required). Skills Required Education A high school diploma is required a two-year degree is preferred but not mandatory. Warehouse Experience One year of experience in warehouse or logistics roles is a plus though not required. Technical Knowledge Familiarity with handheld scanners and warehouse operations is preferred but not required. Proactive and Detail-Oriented Strong work ethic and attention to detail are highly valued. Job Order 119229 Stand-By Personnel OKC-Skilled Division Call or Text for more info (405) 901-1709Or email your resume to annetteo(at) Paulf(at) or amandas(at)



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