Share Point Online Training - Price: 800.00$

Share Point Online Training (at) Slake Software Solutions Attend our FREE DEMO Class Slake Software Solutions is one of the leading top Training and Consulting Company in Online with a good placement track record. Slake Software Solutions have certified trainers. We will provide Online Training Fast Track online training with job assistance. Slake Software Solutions are providing Exclusive Training on Share Point. Faculty from top MNC s with highly skilled domain expertise will train & guide you with real time examples project explanation. Slake Software Solutions also help you in resume preparation and provide job assistance till you get job Slake Software Solutions training features You will receive top quality instruction that is famous for Online IT training Training session are conducted by real-time instructor with real-time examples Best training material Resume preparation and job assistance Slake Software Solutions offer you v Interactive Learning at Learner s convenience v Industry Savvy Trainers v Learn Right From Your Place v Customized Curriculum v 24 7 Server Facility v Highly Affordable Courses v Support after Training 1. C Technical Screening 2. C Resume Preparation 3. C Marketing Overview 4. C Mock Interviews. 5. C Certification Guidance 6. C On-Job Support Slake Software Solutions provide placement services for qualified students Courses offered Slake Software Solutions also provide online training on SAP-All Modules Informatica Data Stage SAS Cognos SAP BO .Net Share point Web Methods TIBCO QA BA Oracle Apps-All modules SQL server Siebel JAVA and all other IT courses. Slake Software Solutions have a forthcoming online training batch on Share Point Note Slake Software Solutions can customize any course as per your requirement For additional assistance including course details batch scheduling information or you may contact to below address Visit Contact us info(at) Pooja 210-858-6366 Mike 210-858-9125



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