Do you need a change Are you looking to make a healthier life style for yourself I CAN HELP. I am an independant Beachbody coach that can help you achieve your goals. We have several workout programs from beginners to advanced. With my help I can get you started on the perfect program for your transformation with positive input and positive results. If you are ready to make that change and ready to acheive your goals visit my website at Site URL - lorashelton
Category: Spa, wellness
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Lisa Charles
Address Loving Care Services Inc24021 Pennington LnFlat Rock MI 48134Phone 734-789-7539Health ServicesHealth Care ConsultantsHospital ConsultantsHospital
Address Morris J Lipnik MD24500 Gibraltar RdFlat Rock MI 48134Phone 734-789-9150Physicians - General
Address Tamyjon Inc23146 Country View LnFlat Rock MI 48134Phone 734-379-0670Health Services
Address Downriver Physical Medicine & Massage24561 Telegraph RdFlat Rock MI 48134Phone 734-782-0420Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
Address Florek Chiropractic Center24640 Telegraph RdFlat Rock MI 48134Phone 734-782-0200FloristsPhysical Therapy & RehabilitationPhysical TherapistsChiropractorsMassageMassage TherapistsMassage
Address Ajelica Holding LLC30257 Cherry Blossom LnFlat Rock MI 48134Phone 734-236-4798Health ServicesHealth Care ConsultantsHospital ConsultantsHospital
Address Precision Physical Therapy25753 Telegraph RdFlat Rock MI 48134Phone 734-789-1982Physical Therapy & RehabilitationPhysical Therapists
Chiropractors Chiropractic Clinics Alternative Medicine Holistic Medicine Health Services Diet Nutrition & Weight Management Nutritionists