Porter and Clark Chiropractic Center

Chiropractors Chiropractic Clinics Alternative Medicine Holistic Medicine Health Services Diet Nutrition & Weight Management Nutritionists & Dietitians Hospitals Clinics & Medical Centers Clinics Medical Clinics Headaches - Conditions & Disorders Leg Pain - Conditions & Disorders Alternative Medicine - Departments & Specialties Alternative Medicine - Medical Specialties Sports Medicine - Treatments Sports Injuries - Conditions & Disorders Sports Physicals - Laboratory & Diagnostic Testing Alternative Treatments - Treatments Chiropractors - Qualifications & Certifications Numbness - Conditions & Disorders Work Related Injuries - Conditions & Disorders Work Injuries - Conditions & DisordersAddress Porter & Clark Chiropractic Center29100 Gateway Blvd Ste 100Flat Rock MI 48134Phone 734-379-9200Web site porterclarkchiropractic.com



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