Beautiful Mountain Views - Price: $549,000

MLS 228925 Own your own kingdom in the Rocky Mountains. This stunning log home on 121 acres that adjoin BLM offers privacy and views of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains all the way to the Spanish Peaks from the front of the property. There are over 700 feet of decks and covered porches to enjoy the mountain and valley views as well as wildlife views. The 3520 SF home is off grid. Three upgraded solar shields plus two back-up generators provide electricity. Experience the overall beauty of this exquisite log home with a suite on each level artistic placement of log supports and the uncompromising quality of the striking finishes. Some of its special features include Granite countertops stainless steel appliances lovely hardwood flooring and beautiful tile work and double pedestal sinks in baths just to name a few. The main level has a spacious kitchen dining area featuring a center work island a wine cooler and a built-in hutch. The living area has both a wood burning fireplace and a gas stove. The lower level walk-out master suite is incredible. Enough room for a sitting area with a gas stove desk area and a rock wall back ground for the bed. Large master bath with Jacuzzi tub and shower. Every girl dreams of a closet like this home has. The master closet is not a closet but a big room with plenty of rods shelving and even an extra room for boots etc. Step outside the master suite to enjoy the views and fresh air from the hot tub. 1-car attached garage. If you have been looking for everything a Colorado property should have look no more. Experience the very essence of Colorado. Inclusions Oven Range Dishwasher Microwave All window coverings 2 gas stoves ceiling fans exterior spa propane tank solar shield system 2 back up generators. Exclusions Ceiling light hanging in main floor bathroom Seller s Personal Property. Most furnishings negotiable 121.53 Acres 3520 Sq Ft 3Bedrooms 3Bathrooms Heating Baseboard Fireplace Gas Stove Water Source Domestic Well Cistern Sewer Septic Flooring Carpet Ceramic Hardwood Exterior Log Metal Roofing Garage 1 Car Attached 2012 Taxes 1072



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