Moving into a new home or apartment and need help arranging your furniture or is your existing space too crowded and you just want a change around your existing furniture. Let us help you give your space a fresh new look. If you have a limited budget but looking for a professional service to create a customized room or space that you see in magazines our design service can help you achieve this at a low cost. With over 20 years experience as designers we will create a personalized room that you your friends and family would love. Here is how it works Within 48 hours after you have paid for the design service you will receive an email questionnaire and instructions on how to measure and photograph your room including any furniture items you will like to keep. Inspiration photos of different rooms that you admire can also be sent at this time so we can know more of your style and things you like so we can better create a personalized design for you.What You Receive Once your completed questionnaire measurements and photos are received the work on your customized design project begins. The estimated completion time for your project is approximately 1-3 weeks. You will then receive via email in a PDF format the following Custom floor plan with furniture placement. Design board showing furniture accessories and color suggestions. List of specified products (furniture etc.) with their prices and where to purchase them. All items will be sourced from major US online retailers. Write up of how to execute the design and an explanation of the selections made for you.When you have received your customized design package feel free to ask us any additional questions you may have regarding your design if you are not satisfied with the design we can provide editing revisions. (Limit of two). This Interior Design Service Package is a great gift for all ages especially new homeowners newlyweds college grads and for birthdays or anniversaries If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at our website
Category: Home Services
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