im looking for that special someone to get to know hit me up and we can talk more. pic is very very very old only the real sersious 1 get to c the new me......
Category: Personals - Women Seeking Women
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I am an easy going laid back kinda goofy but can be blunt looking for...
I am a single lesbian who does not drink smoke or do drugs. I enjoy...
Ashley M
I m 19 f looking for a mother figure to just talk to at first...
Girl looking to befriend another woman ( I need more girlfriends to spend quality time...
Hi I am Pillow princesi luv to be eaten by women.Please reply with you kik...
hi i am married i am currently looking for a woman for my husband i...
Hi ladies Ikmow this is not where I belong but I am curious. I am...
We are a 60s couple and would like to meet a nice lady to join...