Our company employs the most efficient reliable licensed and insured Contractors here in Atlanta. With our 50 years of experience we strive to provide you with great service reasonable and affordable prices quality installations and friendly staff. We provide a wide variety of services for our residential and commercial clientele designed to keep your comfort to a maximum and your costs to a minimum. Services Includes Carpentry Kitchen Basement Bathroom and all other Home Remodeling Outdoor Kitchen and Fireplace Fountain- Waterfalls- Ponds Stone- Brick- Pavers- Retention walls C Interior and Exterior Painting C Floor Installation Carpet Tile Hardwood and others materials C Deck C HVAC services C Air conditioning services C Siding Repair C Minor Home Repair C Pool Remodeling New Pool Developer C Pool Cleaning Services C Appliances Repair C Air Conditioning Services C Landscaping Services C Tree Planting Pruning Bracing Spraying and Removal Services C And many more We also offer competitive and affordable prices for all kind of budgets including financing services. So what are you waiting for Call us now at 770-776-6218 and look for Tony or visit our website at www.avatarcontractors.com for free estimate. We re looking forward hearing from you soon
Category: Real Estate - Services
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