Office Space in Akard St, Dallas. Free Furnitures and Free rent!

Want to have a great impression for your company This is the SPACE for you o Great for small businesso Modern and cool contemporary spaceo Easy to move ino Subleaseo Great locationo Higly secureo A block away from Dallas downtowno Great Landlordo Great website design neighboro 3 dedicated parkingo Plenty of street parkingo We offer 500 OFF. o Free rent potential providedo Free Furnitureso Potential long term leaseo 3000sq ftAddress is 1201 S. Akard Street Dallas Texas.Call Us (at) (214) 390 2312 For faster response please leave your contact number on your email inquiry...Please include your Name Phone number email address and what you are looking for. Office Space for you Inquire now Great location plus discounts rent and furnitures



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