All Roads Lead Here - Price: $539,000.00

This 4BR Den Family Home is Convience Plus. Spacious LV Rm w adjoining Formal Dining Rm. Convenient Fam Rm w Fireplace open to Kitchen. 3 Good Sized Bed Rms upstairs Efficient Den. Downstairs Br has it s own Full Bath. Jack & Jill share a bath upstairs. Roomy Mstr. Suite w 2 walk-in closets. Separate Tub Shower WOW Family Sized Yard built for fun. Sparkling Pool located off to 1 side leaving plenty of room for fun games of football. RV gate allows room fo storage of extra toys. 3 Car Garage with extra full length storage Rm. This home was custom built with much thought put into planning for convenience. No HOA great neighborhood. All roads lead here fast. Close to Schools shopping churches & recreation. Separate child proof fence included Hurry Call M VanSickle - Russ Lyon Sotheby s Int l Realty 602-909-7653



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