beautiful sweet home for rent, 29036

Brand new 1500 sqft house has everything you need including top ranking schools in Richland and Lexington Distric 5 This lovely two-story 3 bedroom 2.5 bathroom home sits in a private cul-de-sac and has been completely renovated inside and out. Well-lit spacious and comfortable this home has lots of storage space including walk-in closet garage and attic. All appliances are newly installed as well as a new A C and water heater. Washer and dryer included in laundry room. Beautiful light fixtures ceiling fans and window treatments add a touch of luxury. Brand new carpet throughout. A front porch and upstairs covered balcony help you relax outside. The pleasant front lawn adds great curb appeal while the ample backyard leads to scenic and quiet woods. Wonderful location is quiet and private yet close to nearby parks recreation facilities shopping and Lake Murray.



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