Gas station Convenience store Car wash for sale Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Monteregie - More or less 3 million liters of gasoline sold per year excellent turnover Excellent not to be missed opportunity Commercial property located on a very busy St-Jean-sur-Richelieu street corner. Gas station convenience store and car wash generating 3 856 157 in sales in 2017. Excellent return on investment with possibility of a substantial profile increase. The businness ( 500 000 tx) and the building ( 1 499 000 tx) can not be sold separately.PLEASE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATIONOR BY EMAIL AT lamoureux.joh(at) Do not reply directly to this ad by clicking link Johanne LamoureuxCertified Real Estate BrokerRe Max Platine514-919-7149 proprietes 395030 proprietes 394840 Station service D panneur Lave-auto vendre Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Mont regie-- Plus ou moins 3 millions de litre d essence vendus par ann e excellent chiffre d affaires. Excellente opportunit ne pas manquer Situ au croisement de deux art res principales tr s achaland es de St-Jean-Richelieu. Station d essence d panneur & lave-auto g n rant 3 856 157 de chiffre d affaires en 2017 offrant un excellent retour sur investissement avec possibilit d augmentation substantielle de profil. Le fond de commerce (500 000 tx) et la b tisse (1 499 000 tx) ne peuvent tre vendus s par ment.VEUILLEZ SVP T L PHONER POUR PLUS DE D TAILSOU JOINDRE PAR COURRIEL lamoureux.joh(at) Ne pas r pondre par la messagerie reli e l annonce Johanne LamoureuxCourtier immobilier agr Re Max Platine514-919-7149 proprietes 395030 proprietes 394840
Price: 1,999,000 USD
Category: Real Estate - Commercial
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1178 South State Street Orem Utah 84097 - 6 000 SF Second Level Office -
Sterling Howell
285 North Main Street Clearfield Utah 84015- Seller Financing Available - 11 216 SF Storefront
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285 South 2650 West Salt Lake City UT 84104 - Industrial Land Available - 2.0
Jeremy Sieverts
Lot for sale. 140 road frontage 85 deep. Zoned commercial-industrial. Build your office or shop
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30A Homes for Sale | Inlet Beach, FL | Santa Rosa Beach, FL; 30A combines
3390 West 1987 South Salt Lake City Utah 84104- Unit B 2 169 SF Flex
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Property 1 227 North Main Street - 13 000 SF Motel Restaurant - (20) Rooms
Sam Christensen
145 East Fort Union Blvd. Midvale Utah 84047 - 6 808 SF Total Available for
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8945 West Magna Main (2700 South) Magna Utah 84044- 7 700 SF Freestanding Retail -
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