Tubing the river with Y ALLBEE TUBIN

Y ALLBEE TUBIN is a local and family owned company that rents tubes kayaks out on the Grant River. This is located through the hills of southwest Wisconsin between Potosi and Cassville. We grew up tubing and canoeing the Grant and Mississippi Rivers and now we offer that adventure to anyone. With us you are able to enjoy comfortable tubes kayaks along with a relaxing float down the Grant River Valley. The Scenery and wildlife make this a wonderful Spring Summer Event. There are many nice campgrounds and cabins in the area. You can find these through our website. Book your Float Today Tubes are 10.00 and Kayaks are 30.00 Make your Reservations through our website or phone call Visit our Website ONLY 25 MINUTES FROM DUBUQUE visit our website or check us out on facebook to book your tube or kayak float www.yallbeetubin.com www.facebook.com yallbeetubin or call Ryan (at) 608-732-0618 Thanks



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