An Air Compressor has a cylinder head which differs depending upon the type. It may be in-line or even in V -shape. If it is in-line usually the 1st stage and 2nd stage are in a same cylinder head block. But in a V -shaped compressor the 1st stage and 2nd stage may be entirely different connected by high pressure pipes. The cylinder head consists of pockets for holding the intake suction and delivery valves. They also have air cooling fins or water jacket for cooling water passage. For more information
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Get CNG LPG conversion kit fitted in your car at LOVATO CNG FITTING CENTRE ...
These Dry Vacuum Pumps are ment to achive vacuum upto 750 mm of HG. SUDARSHAN
Offering connecting rods for the import tuner market In August we will start selling connecting
Finger Valves and Concentric Ring Valves are made of high quality stainless steel. All the
Connecting Rods are one piece with solid end construction and do not require any adjustment...
Piston valves are one form of valve used to control the flow of steam within