235354 - Historic Brick Victorian in Salida CO

MLS 235354Historic Brick Victorian Home in town Salida. Original hardwood floors charming Blue & White tiled kitchen a chef s delight with hooded gas stove large pantry and wine fridge. Plenty of light with a formal dining and open living room plus a quaint tiled family room with exposed brick and a Gas Vermont Stove. This lovely home has 3 bedrooms 1 baths utility 2 car garage and large storage building. Original late 1800 s Rod Iron Fence around the front yard. Lovely English gardens enhance the home front and back two front porches and private deck in the fenced backyard gardens. Located in the heart of town. Walk to parks historic downtown and the library. This is a very special historic property with charm and character. By appointment. PROPERTY AT A GLANCE 0.17 Acres 1591 SF Home Built In 1899 Remodeled in 2002 3 Bedrooms 1.5 Bathrooms Hardwood & Tile Flooring Forced Air Natural Gas Heat Central Air City Water & Sewer Brick Exterior with Metal Roofing 2 Car Detached Garage Workshop 2015 Taxes 1 240



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