236082 - Gorgeous Mountain Views Salida CO

MLS 236082 Gorgeous Mountain views from this property with over 5 acres close to town. Light and bright 1326 square foot split ranch country home with a 2 car attached garage. Sit on your deck and take in the beautiful sunsets. Domestic well so bring the horses. No covenants and the property can be divided. The home has been loved and well cared for. There are plenty of windows for light and to enjoy the beautiful views from every room. Two bedrooms 2 baths brick fireplace large kitchen utility room lots of matching built in cabinets walk in master bedroom closet lots of storage RV parking and hookups circular drive. This is a well built and well maintained home. It has location trees land and incredible views. This one will not last long. PROPERTY AT A GLANCE 5.11 Acres 1326 SF Home Built In 1972 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Ceiling Radiant Heat Wood Domestic Well Septic System Carpet & Laminate Flooring Hardy Plank Siding Composition Shingle 2 Car Attached Garage 2016 Taxes 963



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