236008 - River Frontage within City Limits Salida CO

MLS 236008Here is your chance to own a home on the river within walking distance of Historic Salida. Near new this home offers all of the latest high end finishes & green construction materials. The lower level walk-out offers direct access to 15 outdoor steps which take you down to the banks of the Arkansas River. Salida offers amazing shops art galleries and restaurants. Gold medal trout fishing skiing biking hiking rafting & all of the outdoor recreation you desire literally out your back door PROPERTY AT A GLANCE 0.23 Acres 1918 SF Home Built In 2015 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Natural Gas Heat Gas Fireplace City Water & Sewer Carpet Hardwood & Tile Flooring Cultured Stone & Stucco Exterior Metal Roofing 2 Car Attached Garage 2015 Taxes 1 931 tours.mediamaxphotography.com 607297



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