Beautiful Mountain Views - Price: $325,000

MLS 228377 It s time to make your Colorado lifestyle dreams come true This successful mountain vacation rental home - with river frontage - is for sale in one of the most scenic recreational areas that Colorado has to offer Keep as a rental and or use as your own vacation getaway. This beautifully restored 2724 SF historic Victorian has 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. You will have plenty of room for your family and guests while still maintaining your privacy. The spacious living dining and kitchen rooms make large gatherings and entertaining a breeze. A welcoming breakfast room and bright sunroom are both lined with windows. The first floor is ADA accessible including a bedroom and bath. Outside enjoy the lilac-lined patio area while you barbeque and listen to the bubbling North Fork River. Crossover the bridge to a studio w loft and campfire area on this 0.7 acre lot full of tall pine trees. Enjoy easy access to paved Highway 50. In the spring summer and fall you can fish out the back door or take advantage of the neighboring National Forest trails for hiking biking and motorized vehicles. Fly fish float fish canoe kayak or experience some of the best whitewater rafting on the Arkansas River. Known for its year-round mild temperatures visit historic downtown Salida for art music antiques and great shopping and dining experiences. In the winter cozy up to the wood stove in this well-insulated home or take advantage of the abundant winter sports. Monarch Ski Area is 10 minutes away and there is nearby access to cross country skiing snowshoeing snowmobiling and other winter sports. It is a Colorado lifestyle dream come true Inclusions Refrigerator Range Oven Dishwasher Washer Dryer Wood Stove Ceiling Fans Exclusions Seller s Personal Property



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