BELOW RETAIL BOOK2013 keystone MONTANA 5th wheel with 5 slide outs. 37 ft long 2 doors to outside. Presently secured in over 55 neighborhood. has skirting attached and storage area under camper front. All skirting and tie downs can go with camper. can be moved.Good unit to spend time in. Bedroom in back with queen bed lots of privacy. Living room in the front with tv radio and dvd cd with surround sound speakers and fireplace. 2 couches that convert to beds. Has privacy screens that close off room. Kitchen stove with oven and mw convection oven 2 door frig w 2 door freezer. dining area with 4 chairs. desk area with drop down leaf. washer and dryer in bathroom work well no reason to look for laundromat. shower with skylight. in wall vaccumn cleaner. 2 roof top air conditioners. Outside tv and radio for game days. electric awning 19 ft long. 4 storage areas outside with locking doors.Has propane furnace.216 314 7345 to talk am here locally and it can be seen in person.
Price: 25,000 BZD
Category: RV & Motorhomes
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Pre-owned 2007 Newmar Dutchstar only 22 104 mi. Includes power lock arm on 4 slides
Paul Vannozzi
This 2014 Airstream 23FB Sleeping 6 includes beautiful pearl white Oyster Ultra Leather leather interior