Incredible Mountain Home in Picturesque Setting - Price: $429,00

MLS 227999 BUILT GREEN This home is consistent with the USEPA s definition of green building. Designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment. Energy efficient features include 4.2 kw solar system Blown-in-Bat Insulation Walls have R-30 & Ceilings with R-48 green insulation Oriented toward the southeast to maximize passive solar gain Weathershield Vision 3000 Windows and doors are thermopane Low maintenance stucco & stone exterior and a metal roof with 2 ft. roof overhang All water fixtures have water saving devices All electric appliances are high efficiency & energy efficient All rooms individually thermostated Recirculating pump on hot water tank New Zealand wool carpeting is a green product Insulated garage doors Pride of ownership and fine craftsmanship are seen throughout this 1756 SF immaculate home. Knotty alder cabinetry granite countertops tiled baths new tile flooring at entry and laundry custom iron railings recessed lighting and beautiful oak hardwood flooring are just a few of the premier features. Step outside on the Trex decking to enjoy the peacefulness and mountain views. Venture onto BLM land through the gated access on the property. The 200 SF heated studio makes a great place for the artist with its abundant natural lighting. Property Summary 1756 SF 2-story home built in 2009 2.16 acre lot in Eagle Moon Ranch Subdivision (dues 400 yr.) Borders BLM 2 bedrooms and 2 baths USEPA Green Building Solar Panels produce electricity Heating Electric baseboard Passive Solar Wood stove Carpet Hardwood and Tile Flooring Augmented Well Septic System Trex Decking 2-Car attached garage with RV Parking Fenced 20 x60 Garden Xeriscaping 2012 Taxes - 1 469 Inclusions Refrigerator Oven Range Dishwasher Washer Dryer Wood Stove Solar Panels tied into the grid Exclusions Sellers Personal Property



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