Remodeled Warm, Cozy and Affordable BigWood Condo - Listing #237

TO SEE ALL AVAILALE LISTINGS GO TO WWW.MAMMOTHRENTALBYOWNER.COM OR CALL US TOLL FREE AT 888-472-5777 This one bedroom condo has just been completely remodeled and newly furnished from top to bottom right down to the coffee maker. Relax in front of the wood-burning fireplace after a day on the slopes. Slip a DVD into the Blue-ray player and watch a movie on the 52-inch flat screen or select one of many viewing options that Direct TV has to offer. Free WI FI provided Before you hit the slopes for riding skiing or biking make yourself a meal in the fully stocked new kitchen. Got guests The living room sofa opens to a queen size bed. The shuttle stop is a 10-minute walk or a very short drive to Eagle Lodge. This is the perfect place for a perfect vacation July 9th through September 20th 25% off any rental due to pool and spa renovation



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