2004 Ford F-150 XLT Silver Pickup V8 - Price: $10995

Rear Hip Room 66.5 Fixed Antenna Front Leg Room 41.3 Rear Head Room 39.6 Tilt-Adjustable Steering Wheel Independent Front Suspension Classification Tires Speed Rating S Front Suspension Stabilizer Bar Instrumentation Low Fuel Level Wheel Width 7.5 Front Independent Suspension Front Head Room 40.9 Coil Front Spring 4-Wheel Abs Brakes Regular Front Stabilizer Bar Automatic Locking Hubs Rear Leg Room 32.7 Three 12V Dc Power Outlets Passenger And Rear Clock In-Radio Display 4 Door Steel Spare Wheel Rim Power Steering Suspension Class Regular Rigid Axle Rear Suspension Variable Intermittent Front Wipers Front Hip Room 65.8 Fuel Consumption Highway 18 Mpg Overall Width 78.9 Split Rear Bench Double Wishbone Front Suspension Passenger Airbag Door Pockets Driver Fuel Consumption City 14 Mpg Am Fm Stereo Rear Shoulder Room 66.7 Rear Center Seatbelt 3-Point Belt Fold-Up Cushion Rear Seats Vehicle Emissions Lev Plastic Rubber Shift Knob Trim Front Split-Bench Cupholders Front And Rear Leaf Rear Spring Front Shoulder Room 66.5 Leaf Rear Suspension Engine Immobilizer Total Number Of Speakers 4 Rear Door Type Tailgate Front Ventilated Disc Brakes Seatbelt Pretensioners Front Door Reinforcement Side-Impact Door Beam Fuel Type Regular Unleaded Max Cargo Capacity 38 Cu.Ft.



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