2010 Ford Taurus Limited - Price: $15,000

LEATHER ONE OWNER RECENT ASHEVILLE FORD LINCOLN TRADE and SERVICE RECORDS AVAILABLE. Leather Red and Ready Ford has done it again They have built some great vehicles and this great-looking 2010 Ford Taurus is no exception It will take you where you need to go every time...all you have to do is steer Consumer Guide named the Taurus a 2010 Large Car Best Buy New Car Test Drive said ...Dramatically different and advanced in comparison with the previous version the Taurus offers brisk performance precise and reassuring handling lavish comfort and a comprehensive occupant-safety package... Asheville Ford and Lincoln is aggressively seeking your business. Here at Asheville Ford and Lincoln we offer our consumers a one stop dealership. With a complete service department including Quick Lane services and a complete collision center that are all equipped with state of the art equipment we can handle any of your vehicle needs. Our One Low Price on every pre owned vehicle in stock we put our best foot forward for you the customer. Come see why Ford is the leading American manufacturer. Asheville Ford A locally owned Dealer of used cars used trucks and new Ford serving Asheville Canton Skyland Arden Hendersonville and Weaverville.



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