PARK CITY - DEER VALLEY - Price: $145 - $250

Executive Fox Bay Condo for Ski Season Holidays. Upgraded 2bedroom 1 & 1 2 bath 3 TV Wi-Fi Underground ReservedGarage Parking Side Parking Queen size bed Second bedroom has twin beds that can be made into King size bed. Fireplace washer and dryer in unit and reserved garage parking. Clubhouse with fully equipped gym and Jacuzzi. No bus service or public transportation. Non-smoking No Pets. 145.00 nightly 250.00 holidays 5 night minimum Our condo is not your typical rental it is our second home. First floor beautiful upgrades and is a complete furnished unit. Tucked behind Deer Valley Mountain one mile to the Jordanelle Lake. Across Freeway to Deer Valley Gondola ( Voted Greatest Skiing in America for past three years.) Less than 10 minutes to Park City and less than 12 minutes to The Canyons. 45 minutes to other Ski Areas SnowBird Alta Solitutde. This location is great in both the winter and summer. Snow playground and sports in the winter and water skiing sailing jet skiing swimming rafting great fishing golf within minutes in the summer. Call Owner availability and reservations. 480) 905-3771 email turnkeyes(at) Keywords 2 bedroom 2bath fully equipped condo facing Deer Valley and the Jordanelle Reservoir. 4 minutes to the Deer Valley gondola less than 10 minutes to Park City and less than 12 minutes to the Canyonsreas ( Snow Bird Solitude Alta.) Seven minutes to Park City Main Street.



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