Nude Beer Bottles and Caps 052412 - Price: $80

Four (4) Nude Beer Bottles (all the same) with 3 Scratch offs intact and with 6 pack carry case. 1970s Vintage - 4 Nude Beer Bottles. 3 Scratch offs are intact and one has been scratched off. Included is 6 Pack carry case - 4 bottles & 4 caps. Produced in Mexico. Bottles and carry case are in good condition for being 40 years old. Great addition for personal collection or bar. Photos are with beer still in bottles. Due to shipping regulations bottle will be opened and beer will be disposed of prior to shipping. Caps will have indention s from bottle opener after opening. Pick it up with cash in Summerfield Fl Checks not accepted. (Located between Ocala and The Villages) Questions Call Dan (at) 352-347-8600 Condition has been described as well as possible but look closely at all photos to determine for yourself the condition of this item. All items are SOLD AS IS. No Return. -- No Refund. Shipping available to US Mainland only. Photo(s) are of actual item. To see this and other items For Sale Click Here -> (If link doesn t work copy and paste link into your browser.



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