The Maintenance Lead is responsible for maintaining the physical integrity of the community at all times. This involves ensuring a safe and secure living environment for residents visitors and staff. It is the Maintenance Lead s duty to anticipate identify and correct any and all problems involving the property and to implement procedures that will prevent such problems. An effective program of maintenance is essential in order to maintain a safe environment cultivate resident satisfaction and protect the investment of the property owner. Axiom Property Management a newly formed property management firm is seeking a Maintenance Lead to work in a team environment assisting in maintaining the physical integrity of our property The Charles located within walking distance of historic downtown in Lee s Summit Missouri. The responsibilities of the position will be to perform routine maintenance and repair on electrical plumbing HVAC general carpentry appliances pool among other items on the property. Candidates must have a high school diploma or GED a minimum of 4 years on-site property experience 2 years on-site lead experience and be able to participate in rotating after hours call schedule. Certification in HVAC required and certification in CAMT a plus. Company benefits are designed with our associates in mind. Full-time associates will be able to participate in medical dental life vision short-term and long-term disability and 401(k).
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