2008 Toyota Tacoma - Price: $10,918

CLEAN CARFAX HISTORY GREAT CONDITION ABS brakes and Low tire pressure warning. 5spd Tried and True Reliability Are you interested in a truly fantastic truck Then take a look at this tremendous reliable 2008 Toyota Tacoma. It is nicely equipped with features such as CLEAN CARFAX HISTORY GREAT CONDITION ABS brakes Low tire pressure warning 4 Speakers AM FM radio AM FM CD w 4 Speakers Bench Seat Brake assist CD player Driver door bin Dual front impact airbags Front anti-roll bar Front wheel independent suspension Occupant sensing airbag Passenger door bin Passenger vanity mirror Power steering Rear step bumper Tachometer Telescoping steering wheel Tilt steering wheel and Zest Zinc Cloth Seat Trim. J.d. Power and Associates gave the 2008 Tacoma 4.5 out of 5 Power Circles for Overall Dependability. You just simply can t beat a Toyota product.



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