$2200 2 bedroom in Metro Los Angeles - Price: $2200

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2324447. This modern fully furnished Los Angeles condo is located in a quiet hilltop community lined with trees good people and nice community atmosphere. Its an oasis in the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles. Features include stained concrete floors modern kitchen with new stainless steel appliances dishwasher fireplace private patio with barbecue swimming pool and jacuzzi secured parking remodeled bathrooms. Washer and dryer in unit. Utilities cable and wi-fi included.This property is centrally located giving you ultra easy access to any area of the Los Angeles basin. Minutes from Downtown L.A. and Pasadena Rose Bowl JPL CalTech Pasadena City College University of Southern California (USC) USC Medical Center Disney Hall Music Center San Gabriel Mountains The Americana at Brand and Paseo Colorado Old Town Pasadena. Easy access to the Metro Goldline. 45 minutes to Disneyland and beaches. For more details .



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