LAMINATE-WOOD FLOOR-STAIRS-ALL MOLDING (786)4262941 Hello my name is Reinaldo. I have eighteen years of experience on wood floors installing them polishing them and applying polyurethano. The laminate I have a vast experience. I have many references to so many people who have been satisfied with my work. Please call me to make you a free estimate of your project. (786) 426-2941 (786) 426-2941 (786) 426-2941 I only work with quality laminate and from 8.3 mm to 12 mm thick which is recommended for floors. Wood floor laminate hard wood floor-stair- all molding. For more picture and videos you can fallow us on rvc.floors Thanks and God bless you. Licensed and insured day. (786) 426-2941 (786) 426-2941 (786) 426-2941.



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