Hot Deal for SUMMER 60 Min Massage ONLY 99 Manicure & Pedicure ONLY 49 You have Choice of -Thai Massage -Swedish massage -Signature Massage (Combination between Thai Massage& Swedish Massage) We also offer Spa Parties The party packages provided with seasoning fruits orange juice and one bottle of Sparkling premium wine For your Graduation Parties Birthday Parties Corporate Events Bridal Showers Girls Gone Spa Getaways and Reunions.Keep your memories alive with us. (Conditions for Spa Party only) A minimum of 5 guests is required. A minimum of 700 is required. BYOB is accepted. Promotions valid from July 1st 31st 2013. Promotions cannot be combined with other discounts. Call (212) 644-8239 for an Appointment or order a Gift Certificate
Category: Spa, wellness
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Diagnostic testing is essential to the basic management of patient care allowing our physicians to...
La Clinica
Please come check out our beautiful office At Advanced Podiatry of Plainview our priority is...
The Sauna Shop tells all the sauna benefits and provides all the information related to...
The Sauna Shop
Are you an independent massage therapist looking for more work Email me asap for opportunities...
Becky Torres
Massage it s a necessity.....not a luxury Don t let age body or inexperience keep...
Bay Area Health and Wellness offers Medical Detox for all Substance Abuse Cases at a...
Tate Williams
It is said that you get the greatest benefit when massage therapy is part of...
Massage Connection OBT
Massage connection works only with professionals who have a certification to offer you the best...
Massage Connection OBT
Raising your tweens and teens does not have to be a matter of trailand error...
Tara OShea
Are you one that loves your weave How does having a weave that is soooo...