Holiday rental in Cuba, Guanabo beach. 3 air-conditioned bedroom

Rent in Guanabo Beach Havana Cuba. 3 air-conditioned bedrooms. Fare 100 CUC daily for every room. Mr. Carlos s house is located in Guanabo Beach in Havana Eastern Beaches. In the locality of Guanabo the visitor can find done of the best Havana City beaches ideal to enjoy your well-deserved holidays. Some details of the house for rent are Garden portal hall 3 air-conditioned bedrooms 3 bathroom terrace swimming pool ranch n garage. The guest will also enjoy refrigerator TV set reproduction equipment phone gastronomy and laundry services. Visit our website To call to Cuba mark the number 537 2094025 From Havana City one must dial 2094025 Or you can write to email thecubahouses(at) Greetings from Cuba. Casas en Cuba de alquiler en Cuba. Renta de bellas casas con piscina.. Alquileres econ micos y de lujo. Casas en la Playa. Visite nuestra web



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