2011 RUSHMORE 38 RL 38 RL

2011 Crossroads Rushmore Fifth Wheel 38 in length 4 slides 2 Roof A Cs Electric Entry Steps Tons of Storage all over this rig the Kitchen area has a nice 4 door refrigerator stove top oven split sink with sink toppers granite look counter tops. The living area has a nice size flat screen TV Cream Leatherette Sofa and coordinated Recliner to match in addition there is a beautiful fireplace ceiling fan work station. There is an all-in-one bath area with a nice size stall shower unit sky light vented etc. In the bedroom you will find a nice Queen Size bed with another TV for relaxation. This unit is in very nice shape come on in and take a look you wont be sorry This beauty is waiting for you at America Choice RV 3040 NW Gainesville Road Ocala FL 34475 or give us a call (at) 1800 RV SALES or 352-368-2451 we can pick you up at the airport and we have a campground on site hope to see you soon



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