Full service remodeling contractor looking to add helper to team. Must be dependable reliable and have own transportation.Must be able to pass background check. Hours range from 30-40 per week. Detail oriented willing to learn. Must be willing to obtain a certificate of insurance. Looking for long term individual who is interested in growing with the company. Leave your name phone number and best time to reach you along with a brief list of your previous experience. Email to steve(at)classyremodeling.com
Category: Employment & Jobs
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CNC Machinist (1st shift) - Brunswick OH - Job 24-00760Pay Range 20.00 - 30.00 HR...
Need a house cleaner (female) who knows how to clean up the house and not...
Mystery Shoppers needed for convenience store visits in Delight AR PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Perform an IN-PERSON...
Lisa Simms
New System just arrived earn up to 600 per day. Email 1 - MondaySubject Ready...
Lynda Pomeroy
Mystery Shoppers needed for convenience store visits in Bald Knob AR PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Perform an...
Lisa Simms
Mystery Shoppers needed for convenience store visits in Camden AR. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS Perform an IN-PERSON...
Lisa Simms
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s tinyurl.com munvsjuj by Oct 3. NCDOT is a...
Beverly Westmoreland
Manufacturing Engineering Assistant (Entry Level) - Canton OH - JOB 24-00759Salary Range 45K - 50K...
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s tinyurl.com bdz7adem by Oct 18. NCDOT is a...
Renee Carter
How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s tinyurl.com 2p8wks25 by Oct 11. NCDOT is a...
Kayren Williamson