Lake Perris Village MHC is a gated community located just off the 215 Freeway close to shopping and restaurants in Perris CA. We are featuring New Fleetwood Homes with modern appliances including dishwasher microwave gas range refrigerator and ample closet and storage space. Our homes are ready to move-in and include the front and back deck and covered carport. Our Community amenities include a clubhouse with fireplace and full kitchen fitness center Zumba classes billiards pool jacuzzi basketball court and a state of the are playground. We offer a LAY-A-WAY program to assist with your down payment. Call Donna today at (951) 928-1989 to schedule a day evening or weekend appointment to view your family s next home. Dealer License Number DL1159051 Serial CAFL508A B29474-VO12 350 E. San Jacinto Avenue Space 204 Perris CA 92571
Category: Real Estate - Manufactured Homes
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Has 4 Bedrooms Features This home comes with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms laundry room...
Apolonia Soriano-juarez
This 14 x60 home features 2 bedrooms 1 bath. New paint and flooring throughout. The...
Victoria Woods Mhp
2009 16 x 80 Clayton mobile home - 3 bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms - for...
You will love this home Located in 55 Senior Victoria Palms Resort. Move in like...
Wendy Rogers
separate storage shed w tool bench 2 2 newly updated Kitchens and bathroom Hacienda da...
Home in great condition clean roomy & ready to move in Set on 2 3rd...
Marie Redenbach
Come see what this LOVELY home has to offer It sits on a nicely landscaped...
Adorable cottage style living with large front porch and 8X10 storage shed. Spacious bedrooms with...
Megan Vaughn
1999 Golden West Casa Movil. 3 dormitorios y 2 ba os con ducha y ba...
Welcome to 90 Chinkapin Rill This three bedroom two bath home boast a gorgeous layout...
Bobbie Hunt