Hillcrest Guest House, St. John, US Virgin Islands - Price: $150

Vacation rental suites with ocean and garden views. 3 minute walk to Cruz Bay restaurants taxis and supermarkets. www.HillcrestStJohn.com (340) 776-6774 and (340) 998-8388 hillcrestguesthouse(at)yahoo.com Vacation rental suites with ocean and garden views. 3 minute walk to Cruz Bay restaurants taxis and supermarkets. New Bookings Book any three (3) days for August to November for 150 day (Regular 195 to 245 day) Offer expires Aug. 25th. Discounts for Nurses Teachers etc. 100 off www.HillcrestStJohn.com seniorcitizens.html www.HillcrestStJohn.com (340) 776-6774 and (340) 998-8388 hillcrestguesthouse(at)yahoo.com Vacation rental suites with ocean and garden views. 3 minute walk to Cruz Bay restaurants taxis and supermarkets. New Bookings Book any three (3) days for August to November for 150 day (Regular 195 to 245 day) Offer expires Aug. 25th. Discounts for Nurses Teachers etc. 100 off www.HillcrestStJohn.com seniorcitizens.html www.HillcrestStJohn.com (340) 776-6774 and (340) 998-8388 hillcrestguesthouse(at)yahoo.com Vacation rental suites with ocean and garden views. 3 minute walk to Cruz Bay restaurants taxis and supermarkets. www.HillcrestStJohn.com (340) 776-6774 and (340) 998-8388 hillcrestguesthouse(at)yahoo.com Vacation rental suites with ocean and garden views. 3 minute walk to Cruz Bay restaurants taxis and supermarkets. New Bookings Book any three (3) days for August to November for 150 day (Regular 195 to 245 day) Offer expires Aug. 25th. www.HillcrestStJohn.com (340) 776-6774 and (340) 998-8388 hillcrestguesthouse(at)yahoo.com



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