2008 Toyota Corolla S - Price: $11,078

CARFAX ONE OWNER CLEAN CARFAX NON-SMOKER ONE OWNER Power steering and Power Windows. Silver Bullet Estimated 36 MPG This good-looking 2008 Toyota Corolla is the car that you have been searching for. Climb into this outstanding one-owner Corolla and you can t help but be impressed by the way that previous owner took care of it. New Car Test Drive called it ...the car to consider if you re looking for a sophisticated and utterly reliable sub-compact sedan that blends in so well it s almost non-existent. It s not too much of a stretch to say the Corolla is a baby Lexus it certainly has the same DNA... J.D. Power and Associates gave the 2008 Corolla 4.5 out of 5 Power Circles for Overall Initial Quality Design.



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