2011 Ford F-150 XL - Price: $18,710

ABS brakes Electronic Stability Control Low tire pressure warning and Traction control. Rock solid Reliable workhorse If you demand the best things in life this wonderful 2011 Ford F-150 is the one-owner truck for you. The proven work ability of this dependable F-150 is sure to make it a favorite among our more educated buyers. Designated by Consumer Guide as a Large Pickup Best Buy in 2011. It is nicely equipped with features such as ABS brakes Electronic Stability Control Low tire pressure warning Traction control 3.73 Axle Ratio 4 Speakers 4-Wheel Disc Brakes Air Conditioning AM FM radio AM FM Stereo Clock Driver door bin Dual front impact airbags Dual front side impact airbags Front anti-roll bar Front wheel independent suspension Occupant sensing airbag Overhead airbag Passenger door bin Passenger vanity mirror Power steering Rear step bumper Speed-sensing steering Split folding rear seat Tachometer Tilt steering wheel Variably intermittent wipers and Vinyl 40 20 40 Front Seat. New Car Test Drive said it & quot ...delivers a strong combination of style interior comfort performance ride and hauling ability. The new engine lineup moves Ford from follower to leader in power and alternatives...& quot



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